Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
A sign
The Chapman family lost the youngest of their adopted children in a tragic accident earlier this year.
Believing in their Lord and Savior they prayed to God for a sign Maria was okay. God provided that sign the day after her death (forward to 4:53):
How GREAT thou art.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 8/09/2008 07:38:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Works for Me Wednesday: Free VIN check!
With gas prices being what they are today I know many friends and family members are hoping to trade in their SUVs and trucks for more economical, fuel-efficient vehicles.
On the two occassions my husband and I've been car shopping we went straight home and ran a Carfax report to ensure the vehicle we were interested in wasn't a dud. (CarMax runs one on ALL used cars and doesn't charge for it!)
Today, while reading, I came across a GREAT find that's comparable (read: way better) to it's called VINcheck. This free (Hello, FREE!?) way to check out used cars for hidden histories of theft or damage is maintained by the National Insurance Crime Bureau, therefore, the information is accurate and reliable.
Honestly, I don't know if Carfax checks to see if a vehicle is reported lost or stolen, but THIS website does!
Free always "works for me" even if it's not on a Wednesday! :D
Check out and see what other ideas Shannon's readers are offering!
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 7/30/2008 05:51:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Car, Rocks In My Dryer, Shannon, shopping, WFMW, Works For Me Wednesdays
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
WFMW: Fighting the Frizz
It's summer in Hotlanta, ya'll, and you know what the means? Frizz.
Oh. My. Heavens. The frizz is bad, REAL bad.
I'm not a brand horse, but I have two products that I use in the summer to prevent my hair from looking like this:or like this:
BioSilk Silk Therapy
and Herbal Essences' None of Your Frizziness Smoothing Balm
Both work *wonders* on my hair. It feels great and smells even better! The BioSilk costs a little more, but you can buy it at Ulta or your local drugstore for less than $12. Let me forewarn you: A little goes a LONNNNNNNNNNNNG way.
I paid $2 for the Herbal Essences and I was equally impressed with the results. I use a little more of this product mainly because it's texture is that of a squished bath bead, but I don't worry about using "too much" of the product because it seems to be more forgiving than the BioSilk.
** Surgeon General's Warning or a Girl Who Knows From Experience: Do not use both products together -- one or the other, people! :D **
Works for me! Go see Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer and see what other helpful tips others are sharing! :D
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 6/18/2008 01:23:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Hair, Rocks In My Dryer, shopping, WFMW, Works For Me Wednesdays
Sunday, June 8, 2008
5 Minutes for Mom and a freebie!
I've been venturing out of my comfort zone these last couple of days and reading a few new blogs. One that I really like is
They (twin sisters: Susan & Janice) have product reviews, real life stories and wit. What more could a girl ask for?
How about a free Chicco backpack?
Check it out!
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 6/08/2008 02:27:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
WOW Hits 1 -- I'd love me some!
Shannon over at is having a great Christian Music giveaway sponsored by WoW.
Head on over to see how you can win!
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 6/05/2008 09:54:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
My wardrobe, or lack there of...
Melanie over at Big Mama is having her first annual Fashion Fiesta!
If you've never been to her site you should check it out. On Friday's she offers sage advice on cute, trendy clothes and accessories. (I just wish you didn't have to be a size 2 to wear the clothes that woman finds!)
Any who...welcome to my virtual closet.
Monday through Friday I am an 8-5 girl. Granted, working for a state university at an "off campus" location has it benies. (Read: business casual, but IMHO it's more "as long as there aren't holes in it and you leave the Hooter's t-shirt at home" kind of atmosphere. Shhh, don't tell them I told you that.)
I used to wear skirts to show of my long, fairly shapely legs, but I think the last time I wore a skirt was the summer before I got married. Now my wardrobe consists of these pants, 3 pairs of black and one pair in charcoal gray. Or as my husband likes to call it "almost black":
And these pants(In an ultra daring shade of brown. *Gasp!*):
I have this shirt in red and black, then I have several similar 3/4 length sleeve V-necks (oh my!)in, you guessed it, black and red:
I have this shirt that I wear with my brown dress pants and the occasional pair of dark rinsed jeans:
In warmer weather I wear short sleeve version of the above cotton Ts and a pair of jersey knit capris.
I <3 shoes and accessories, but currently I only have 2 pairs of embellished flip flops in brown and pink and a pair or New Balance running shoes. (ha! that's a joke) I'm in desperate need of dress shoes and the only thing I can find that I like are these...and something tells me these won't work.
I'd have to break out of my comfort zone and buy a t-shirt in a color other than black or red.
Thanks for stopping by!
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 4/11/2008 09:35:00 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
the latest in mobile technology is now at your fingertips
Better than the iPhone?
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 4/01/2008 02:48:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The End Is Nigh
Bailey and I were out doing a "quick return" yesterday and made a small detour at Payless.
While looking for appropriate work shoes, Bailey and I managed to find the "cutest shoes ev-ar."
"No, seriously, I've found the cutest pair."
So we counted to 3 and walked around the corner...
We had on the exact SAME pair of shoes.
I don't really need to point out that she's 10 and I'm just slightly over 21. :- ) However, she is going on 11, which we all know is, like, the next 21.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 3/30/2008 09:44:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I'm a winner, baby...
Woohoo ya'll! Look what I just won!
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 3/25/2008 10:27:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Works For Me Wednesday: Prolonging razorblades
I was just amazed at how well this works, so I wanted to share it with my fellow WFMW-ers.
Instead of having to replace my razor blade every week, I'm able to go several weeks with the same razor blade before I feel the overwhelming urge to toss it!
When I'm done shaving in the shower/tub instead of letting it air dry, I rub the razor blade against my towel, or heat it with the blow dryer for a few seconds. According to Clark Howard the reason why our razor blades dull is soap and water residue; not all that hair!
I just love Clark's insight and crazy ideas, especially when they work for me! :- ) And this one will save me OVER $90 a year. ($8.95/4 razors = $2.24. 1 razor/week * 52 weeks = $116.48.) 1 razor blade @ $2.24 every six weeks for 52 weeks = $20.13.) $116.48 - $20.13 = $96.35.
Clark and his other readers say they can make a disposable blade or razor last for a year to 17 months! Can you imagine?! That's $2.24 (1 razor/17 months) vs. $170.24 (1 razor/week for 17 months).
Take a peak over at Rocks In My Dryer to see what other great ideas are being shared! :D
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 3/12/2008 02:20:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: bargains, razor blades, shopping, WFMW, Works For Me Wednesdays
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Home plate
Well, this is certainly not a post I anticipated.
Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer is debating on what to do with her china that she registered for when she and her husband got married. It's beautiful. I mean, REALLY beautiful, but she has *never* used it. Her dilemma is: toss (ebay)or save (pass onto her daughter)? I, for one, would keep it.
Anyway, so she pulled out her camera and started taking pictures of her dishes and asked that we reciprocate. Personally, I think she wants us all to look a-fool with her, and since I'm always willing to help out my fellow fool, here goes.
Our everyday dinnerware the hubs and I registered for 2 1/2 years ago; we eat off them EVERY night unless we're camping:
When we camp I use the plastic, day-glo green plates, bowls and 32 oz. cups you find at Walmart for $1.97. Of course, I can't find a picture.
This is the set my parents use for their everyday dining and I think it will always remind me of my mother:
Her formal dinnerware is beautiful and of course I don't have a picture.
Lately, I've been eyeing some tuscan-style plates:
Anyone else craving Shrimp Carbonara?
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 3/06/2008 09:13:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
WFMW: Backwards Edition
Oh, thank goodness!
Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer is hosting her weekly Works For Me Wednesday and today it's backwards! I get to ask YOU the tough questions.
I love shoes. However my mama-jama feet are big AND wide. Yes, I was blessed with phonebooks for feet. Well not really, but it feels that way when I'm trying to buy shoes and they're either too small in length or they're squishing the piggies. *Oink*
Does someone know of a great website that sells trendy, attractive shoes at an affordable price. Before ya'll get crazy with the "OMW, how can she not know about xxxxx?" (Read: or or Let me assure you, I do know, however, there has never been an attractive pair of shoes for less than $90 on those sites in all my years of looking. Anything that fits (I'm an 11.5-wide *most 11s are too small and a 12 is too big*) and is reasonable ($60 or less) belongs in the nursing home's "lost and found" box.
Go ahead -- prove me wrong! I dare you. PUH-LEASE! :- )
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 3/05/2008 09:43:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: shoes, shopping, WFMW, Works For Me Wednesdays
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It's been lovely...
Johanna sent me this a while ago and it's never been more fitting than now.
I don't mean to complain, I really don't, but I'm getting cabin fever. BAD. I need my car back. I miss not driving myself to work, I miss not being able to run errands at lunch, I miss normal work hours. Don't get me wrong. I REALLY am thankful Jason has been able to tote me around the past few days, but a few more late nights and early mornings won't look good on this ol' gal.
Please pray Charlie Brown has my car fixed tomorrow, or I might have to steal a car.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 2/20/2008 09:28:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Compassion International
So I've been been faithfully reading BooMama's and Rocks In My Dryer regarding their trip to Uganda for Compassion International. Their stories and pictures tug at my heart and soul. I don't think I've been this moved in a long, long time.
I'm so thankful that God has been able to use this Compassion Bloggers to do works in his name.
Read their various takes on the same trip, look at the pictures, but most of all look at the lives that have TOUCHED them and not the other way around. Yes, they went there to do the Lord's work, but I think the Lord worked in them, too.
Carlos' "updates" made me cry. This one the most, maybe because I feel like I know Shannon or maybe because I have felt her enthusiasm and anticipation over the last several weeks.Sophie's sweetness and Shannon's compassion made me humbled.
I hope they do the same to you.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 2/18/2008 08:06:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
So we have an estimate…
It’s $1875 for the labor minimum, but we could be looking at $2850, possible $4950.
I swear, I think I can hear God laughing.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 2/13/2008 03:41:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
I'm not sure I like you, 2008.
This has been a trying year, thus far. Not necessarily in a good way, but I digress, because God always provides.
First, there was the "medical scare."
Then there was the pulled muscle.
Now, it's my poor Passat. 2008, you my friend, have JUST gone too far. As I type this my car is on the side of 316 with a broken timing belt. Jason says if we're lucky it'll be $800. If he'd have to go on gut feeling it'd be $2000, but if we're being kicked while we're down it'll be $4000 because apparently when your timing belt brakes you can bend the valves or break a piston or the head gasket. Niiiiiiice.
So, as I sit in my VERY clean house and prepare for THE baby shower of the year, my dear hubby is researching local repair shops and getting towing estimates. Oh, and our nice big IRS refund check that was going towards the last of our credit card "debt"? It's now going to the car.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 2/09/2008 11:26:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Works For Me Wednesday: Themed Edition: Online Shopping
You had me at shopping.
I love to shop. It doesn't matter if it's bargain hunting, shoe shopping, car shopping or back-to-school shopping. I think it's the thrill of the hunt. Looking for the best deal, finding something someone in my life will just love. L-O-V-E.
I'm a giver, folks, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I get kicks out of making others happy and while I am crafty, I do like to buy things for others.
Shannon, over at Rocks In My Dryer, asked us to share with others our favorite online retailer. I admit I don't do a whole lot of shopping online because I like to leave the hacienda and just get out. However, I don't like going to the "big box retailers" and riding the wave of crowds to look at DVDs and CDs. For that reason, and that reason alone, I wanted to find a place online where I could get consistently good deals on DVDs and CDs. (Hellooooo, I have 2 teenage neices who love watching the shows I grew up on as a "kid" *ahem* know-it-all-young-adult-if-you-please.)
Where do you find these at decent prices you ask? Certainly not eBay. Price gougers!
Enter It's my mecca for deals on DVDs. Even when things aren't on sale they're VERY reasonably priced. You say you have Netflix or Blockbuster and couldn't possibly need to buy another DVD ever again? Ha! I had both and tried to get a copy of one of my all time favorite movies. I was on a wait list for almost 8 weeks before they sent me a copy. When I received it, it was cracked in half. I sent it back, so they kindly resent me the same one 2 days later. Aaaack!
Any who, try them, you wont be sorry you did.
Affordable. Large selection. Fast shipping. And many, many times I've been given free shipping or they have a BOGO. Hello! BOGO?! Log on quick!
P.S. You're welcome
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 2/06/2008 11:31:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: CDs, DVDs, neices, online retailers, shopping, The One and only original family band, WFMW, Works For Me Wednesdays
Monday, January 14, 2008
Wii are the champions
Thank you God (& Nintendo) for allowing the meak to whoop some butt. I mean, inherit the earth. :- )
(Fischer beats Uncle Chris at a game of Wii Sports Boxing)
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 1/14/2008 08:18:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
WFMW: Backwards edition!
Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer is hosting a backwards WFMW! Rather than sharing tips and ideas we get to ask questions that are plaguing our minds.
Important things like: Should I Eat Another Cookie? Does My Child Burping His/Her ABCs Qualify As Talent? and Why Does Gas Cost So Stinkin' Much? Are not things you'll likely get an answer for, but maybe, just maybe you'll find out how to organize your DVDs.
The question I have is cleaning my shower/tub.
Living in Georgia I'm prone to have red clay throughout my house. I can get it out of my carpet and clothing, but for the LOVE OF GOD and ALL THINGS HOLY I cannot get it out of my textured shower/tub!
I've tried cleaning with a scrub brush, tooth brush, cloth, Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and a sponge, but I can't seem to get the red clay out of the grooves. I've tried using Pinesol, Bleach and Oxy! Fantastic hoping it would bubble and agitate the heck out of the clay; thus bringing it to the surface.
Someone, please, please help! It's driving me crazy.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 1/09/2008 06:08:00 PM 8 comments
Labels: Cleaning, Organization, Rocks In My Dryer, WFMW, Works For Me Wednesdays
WFMW: Backwards edition!
Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer is hosting a backwards WFMW! Rather than sharing tips and ideas we get to ask questions that are plaguing our minds.
Important things like, Should I Eat Another Cookie? Does Your Child Burping His/Her ABCs Qualify As Talent and Why Does Gas Cost So Stinkin' Much? Are not things you'll likely get an answer for, but maybe, just maybe you'll find out how to organize your DVDs.
The question I have is cleaning my shower/tub.
Living in Georgia I'm prone to have red clay throughout my house. I can get it out of my carpet and clothing, but for the LOVE OF GOD and ALL THINGS HOLY I cannot get it out of my textured shower/tub!
I've tried cleaning with a scrub brush, tooth brush, cloth, Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and a sponge, but I can't seem to get the red clay out of the grooves. I've tried using Pinesol, Bleach and Oxy! Fantastic hoping it would bubble and agitate the heck out of the clay; thus bringing it to the surface.
Someone, please, please help! It's driving me crazy.
Posted by Waitingonyou2 at 1/09/2008 06:08:00 PM 0 comments