Wednesday, March 5, 2008

WFMW: Backwards Edition

Oh, thank goodness!

Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer is hosting her weekly Works For Me Wednesday and today it's backwards! I get to ask YOU the tough questions.

I love shoes. However my mama-jama feet are big AND wide. Yes, I was blessed with phonebooks for feet. Well not really, but it feels that way when I'm trying to buy shoes and they're either too small in length or they're squishing the piggies. *Oink*

Does someone know of a great website that sells trendy, attractive shoes at an affordable price. Before ya'll get crazy with the "OMW, how can she not know about xxxxx?" (Read: or or Let me assure you, I do know, however, there has never been an attractive pair of shoes for less than $90 on those sites in all my years of looking. Anything that fits (I'm an 11.5-wide *most 11s are too small and a 12 is too big*) and is reasonable ($60 or less) belongs in the nursing home's "lost and found" box.

Go ahead -- prove me wrong! I dare you. PUH-LEASE! :- )


Lomagirl said...

Bjorn (or is it Born), on sale. I bought mine at Ross, and love them. But they are sometimes hard to find.

Someone Being Me said...

Have you tried They have 60 pairs of size 11.5 shoes under $50.00. I've had good luck with them.

JoMama said...
